
Audiobook is a modern format of literature that allows you to enjoy books in a convenient format for the listener. It combines elements of traditional reading and audio perception, opening new horizons for book lovers. With audiobooks, you can immerse yourself in the world of literature while traveling, playing sports or doing household chores. Thanks to the variety of genres and performers, everyone can find something to their liking. Audiobooks also foster imagination and help improve listening skills, making them a great tool for learning and entertainment.

  • Heart in the Palm - Audiobook
    Main characters Yarosh Anton Kuzmich - a talented surgeon, an excellent family man. During the war he was an underground fighter. Shikovich Kirill Vasilievich – Yarosh's friend, editorial journalist, is interested in historical facts. Writes books on these topics. Other characters Gukan Semyon Parfenovich – Chairman of the Executive Committee, a staunch opponent of Shikovich’s vi...
  • Black Castle Olshansky - Audiobook
    Late 1960s. Anton Kosmich, a candidate of historical sciences, lived in Minsk, worked on his doctorate and wrote historical and documentary detective stories in his spare time. Anton Kosmich is a historian, 38 years old, 191 cm tall, light brown haired with rough features, a bachelor, enjoys swimming and fencing, smart, inquisitive, principled, loves his native Belarus. One day, an ancient tome fe...
  • King Stakh's Wild Hunt - Audiobook
    Сюжетную основу произведения составляет мистическая семейная легенда, передающая некое проклятие, нацеленное на уничтожение рода, в итоге оказавшегося обычным преступным замыслом. События повести разворачиваются на территории Белоруссии в период конца XIX столетия. Главный герой произведения, от лица которого ведется повествование, представляется автором в качестве молодого ученого-фольклориста Ан...