
Audiobook is a modern format of literature that allows you to enjoy books in a convenient format for the listener. It combines elements of traditional reading and audio perception, opening new horizons for book lovers. With audiobooks, you can immerse yourself in the world of literature while traveling, playing sports or doing household chores. Thanks to the variety of genres and performers, everyone can find something to their liking. Audiobooks also foster imagination and help improve listening skills, making them a great tool for learning and entertainment.

  • Жажда Жизни - Аудиокнига
    Жажда жизни — биографический роман Ирвинга Стоуна, посвящённый жизни и творчеству художника Винсента Ван Гога. Книга описывает его внутренние переживания, страсти и борьбу с депрессией, а также его стремление к искусству и поиску смысла жизни. Стоун рассказывает о сложных отношениях Ван Гога с семьёй, особенно с братом Тео, который поддерживал его как морально, так и финансово. Роман охватыв...
  • Moscow and the Miskvichi - Audiobook
    "Moscow and Muscovites" is a book by Russian writer Vladimir Gilyarovsky, published at the beginning of the 20th century. In it, the author describesthe life and everyday life of Muscovites, their character, habits and social classes. Gilyarovsky, himself a Muscovite, shares his observations about the city, its historical places, and the people who inhabit it. The book consists of a series of essa...
  • The Dowry - Audiobook
    "The Dowry" is a play by Alexander Ostrovsky, written in 1878. The plot centers onThe story of Larisa Ogudalova, a young woman who has no dowry and therefore cannot count on a profitable marriage. Larisa is in love with Sergei, but he does not show serious feelings for her, preferring a wealthier bride. The play's main themes are social status, love, and sacrifice. Larisa faces social pressure and...
  • Little Romance - Audiobook
    "Smallnovel » by Ivan Bunin is a story in which the author explores the themes of love, loneliness and human relationships. The main character, a young man, meets a woman with whom he begins a short but profound romance. The plot unfolds against the backdrop of autumn nature, symbolizing a transitional stage in the lives of the characters. Their relationship is full of tenderness and passion, but ...
  • Alberta's Heirs - Audiobook
    Alberta Maria Lang's "The Heirs" isa novel that explores themes of heritage, family secrets, and human relationships. The protagonist faces mysteries about her past and heritage that impact herlife and choices. As she uncovers family secrets, she realizes that true legacy is not always material, but often lies in emotional connections and spiritual values.The novel is filled with deep reflections ...
  • The Dawns Here Are Quiet - Audiobook
    "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" is a story by Boris Vasiliev about the events of World War II. The action takes place in 1942, in a small forest village in the Urals. The main characters are five female anti-aircraft gunners who perform their duties, defending their homeland from the enemy. The story focuses on their friendship, bravery, and the sacrifices they make for a common goal. During the story,...
  • No Killing - Audiobook
    "No killing" -a novel by Maria Lang in which the protagonist, a writer and detective lover, finds herself involved in investigating a mysterious crime. The plot centers on a mysterious death that occurs in the midst of high society. The protagonist uses her observational and intuitive skills to solve the mystery, encountering intriguing characters and unexpected twists.The novel combines elements ...
  • The Little Prince - Audiobook
    " The Little Prince " is a fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry about a boy from another planet who travels through different worlds. The main character, the Little Prince, leaves his planet to understand the meaning of life and friendship. During his travels, he meets different characters: a king, a vain man, a businessman, a geographer, and a fox. Each of them symbolizes different aspects of a...
  • Murder on the Orient Express - Audiobook
    "Murder on the Orient Express" is a detectiveAgatha Christie's novel in which the famousDetective Hercule Poirot investigates a murder that took place on a luxury train traveling from Istanbul to Calais. The victim is the American millionaire Ratchett, who is murdered in his compartment. Poirot, finding himself on the train, takes up the case and begins interrogating the passengers, each of whom t...
  • Red Dragon - Audiobook
    "Red Dragon" -a novel by American writer Thomas Harris, which is the first book about Dr. Hannabal Lecter. The plot centers on FBI agent Will Graham, who previously caught Lecter and is now again involved in the case of a serial killer known as the "Red Dragon". The killer kills families on certain days and leaves mysterious signs. Graham, with his ability to understand the psyche of criminals, tr...
  • The Silence of the Lambs - Audiobook
    "The Silence of the Lambs" -a novel by Thomas Harris that follows a young FBI agent named Clarice Starling. She is assigned to investigate a series of murders committed by a serial killer named Jamie Gumble, who kidnaps and murders women. To catch Gumble, Clarice turns to an imprisoned psychopath, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, who was once a prominent psychiatrist and serial killer. Lecter, possessing extr...
  • Sand Castle - Audiobook
    In the reality around us, we strive to single out a certain subspace, a small sovereign world that we consider or call our own. And for absolutely everyone, this world is unique. And sometimes we can detach ourselves from the surroundings and dive inside, and suddenly it turns out that there is a world there too. And at the point of contact between these two worlds, amazing things happen.......
  • Animal Farm - Audiobook
    Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell, published in 1945. It tells the story of a group of animals who rebel against their human masters in an effort to create a society based on equality and justice. However, over time, the pigs, led by Napoleon and Snowball, begin to abuse their power. They gradually change the original principles of equality, establishing their own privileges a...
  • A Place in the Sun - Audiobook
    Yesterday - a prima ballerina, caressed by fans, the press, and today - a choice: to live without dancing or just die; yesterday - a happy wife, today - a widow, shocked by the unexpected and incomprehensible murder of her husband; yesterday - stability and confidence in the future, today - only questions: who? why? what will happen next?........
  • 50 Shades of Husband - Audiobook
    "50 Shades of Husband" is a romantica novel that is a parody of "50 Shades of Grey". The plot centers on the relationships between the main characters, exploring themes of love, trust, and sexuality. The main character faces new emotions and challenges as she tries to understand her feelings for her husband, who turns out to be more complex and multifaceted than she thought. The book is filled wit...
  • Silence Louder Than a Scream - Audiobook
    “Sofia reached for the nightstand and turned off the alarm. She got out of bed with her eyes closed and automatically went to the kitchen. There, having made coffee, she finally woke up and even forced herself to eat a sandwich. There was nothing in the refrigerator except bread and sausage. Her apartment resembled a showroom in a new building sales office. It had everything: excellent repairs, fa...
  • The Overcoat - Audiobook
    "The Overcoat" is a short story by Nikolai Gogol, published in 1842. The main character, Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin, a modest official, lives in St. Petersburg and suffers from poverty and obscurity.life changes when he decides to buy a new overcoat because the old one is worn out. After much saving, Akaki buys the desired overcoat, and thisthe event brings him joy and confidence. However, soon ...